My Girl
My girl's mad at me
I didn't wanna see the film tonight
I found it hard to say
She thought I'd had enough of her
Why can't she see
She's lovely to me?
But I like to stay in
And watch t.v. on my own
Every now and then
My girl's mad at me
Been on the telephone for an hour
We hardly said a word
I tried and tried but I could not be heard
Why can't I explain?
Why do I feel this pain?
'Cause everything I say
She doesn't understand
She doesn't realise
She takes it all the wrong way
My girl's mad at me
We argued just the other night
I thought we'd got it straight
We talked and talked until it was light
I thought we'd agreed
I thought we'd talked it out
Now when I try to speak
She says that I don't care
She says I'm unaware
And now she says I'm weak
I didn't wanna see the film tonight
I found it hard to say
She thought I'd had enough of her
Why can't she see
She's lovely to me?
But I like to stay in
And watch t.v. on my own
Every now and then
My girl's mad at me
Been on the telephone for an hour
We hardly said a word
I tried and tried but I could not be heard
Why can't I explain?
Why do I feel this pain?
'Cause everything I say
She doesn't understand
She doesn't realise
She takes it all the wrong way
My girl's mad at me
We argued just the other night
I thought we'd got it straight
We talked and talked until it was light
I thought we'd agreed
I thought we'd talked it out
Now when I try to speak
She says that I don't care
She says I'm unaware
And now she says I'm weak
Questo è un brano dei Madness, tratto proprio dal disco che mi sono comprata sabato. :) Lo ska dei Madness lo definirei atipico ma estremamente piacevole :))) Dico atipico perchè, generalmente in un gruppo ska, le tastiere hanno un ruolo di secondo piano rispetto agli altri strumenti (basso e fiati sono la caratteristica principale del suono ska). Nel caso dei Madness, il discorso cambia un pochetto, diciamo. Ora, chi è ferrato sul genere ska, lo pregherei di non linciarmi. Il mio compleanno è fra poco, e a 24 anni vorrei arrivarci. Chiedo troppo? :D . Tornando alla canzone, mi piace molto, ha un qualcosa che ti prende e strega e che ti farebbe volentieri scatenare il corpo in un ballo (parla una che non sa ballare per niente e che del tango sa fare bene, anche troppo, il "casquè") :D
P.S. Quando sarà il momento fatemi gli auguri!!! :D Tutti i modi sono buoni, eh! ;)
Ciao!!! P.P.S. Ho scoperto che anche i libri di Alberoni sono fonte di ispirazione! :D Ahahahah!