Every man has a place, in his heart there's a space,
and the world can't erase his fantasies
Take a ride in the sky, on our ship fantasii
all your dreams will come true, right away
And we will live together, until the twelfth of never
our voices will ring forever, as one
Every thought is a dream, rushing by in a stream,
bringing life to the kingdom of doing
Take a ride in the sky, on our ship fantasii
all your dreams will come true, miles away
our voices will ring together until the 12th of never, we
all will live, love forever as one
Come to see victory, in the land called fantasy
loving life, a new decree,
bring your mind to everlasting liberty
As one!
Come to see, victory in a land called fantasy,
loving life, for you and me, to behold, to your soul is ecstasy
You will find, other kind, that has been in search for you,
many lives has brought you to
recognize it's your life, now in review
and as you stay for the play, fantasy, has in store for you,
a glowing light will see you through
It's your day, shining day, all your dreams come true
As you glide, in your stride with the wind, as you fly away
give a smile, from your lips, and say
I am free, yes I'm free, now I'm on my way
Come to see, victory in a land called fantasy,
loving life, for you and me, to behold, to your soul is ectasy
You will find, other kind, that has been in search for you,
many lives has brought you to
recognize it's your life, now in review.
Questa secondo me è la canzone più bella degli Earth, Wind & Fire. La voce di Philip Bailey mi prende particolarmente (ritengo eccezionale il modo in cui canta).
Questi, che per me sono dei mostri sacri, mi trasmettono ad ogni ascolto, tantissime emozioni e anche tanta energia.
Vi ho postato Fantasy, ma gli Earth, mica si sono fermati a quella canzone, anzi! Tra le tante non posso non ricordare Boogie Wonderland (mi dà adrenalina a 1000!), In the Stone (fantastica!), September e After the love has gone. Mi fermo qui, sennò ad elencare tutti i brani degli Earth che mi fanno, diciamo così, scoppiare il cuore, mi ci vorrebbero 2 ore, e forse non sarebbero sufficienti!! Ciao!!!
P.S. Avrei voluto trovare un'immagine più grande, ma il web di meglio non offre :(